14 research outputs found

    Parallel Tiled Code Generation with Loop Permutation within Tiles

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    An approach of generation of tiled code with an arbitrary order of loops within tiles is presented. It is based on the transitive closure of the program dependence graph and derived via a combination of the Polyhedral and Iteration Space Slicing frameworks. The approach is explained by means of a working example. Details of an implementation of the approach in the TRACO compiler are outlined. Increasing tiled program performance due to loop permutation within tiles is illustrated on real-life programs from the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite. An analysis of speed-up and scalability of parallel tiled code with loop permutation is presented

    TRACO: Source-to-Source Parallelizing Compiler

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    The paper presents a source-to-source compiler, TRACO, for automatic extraction of both coarse- and fine-grained parallelism available in C/C++ loops. Parallelization techniques implemented in TRACO are based on the transitive closure of a relation describing all the dependences in a loop. Coarse- and fine-grained parallelism is represented with synchronization-free slices (space partitions) and a legal loop statement instance schedule (time partitions), respectively. TRACO enables also applying scalar and array variable privatization as well as parallel reduction. On its output, TRACO produces compilable parallel OpenMP C/C++ and/or OpenACC C/C++ code. The effectiveness of TRACO, efficiency of parallel code produced by TRACO, and the time of parallel code production are evaluated by means of the NAS Parallel Benchmark and Polyhedral Benchmark suites. These features of TRACO are compared with closely related compilers such as ICC, Pluto, Par4All, and Cetus. Feature work is outlined

    Parallel tiled Nussinov RNA folding loop nest generated using both dependence graph transitive closure and loop skewing

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    Abstract Background RNA secondary structure prediction is a compute intensive task that lies at the core of several search algorithms in bioinformatics. Fortunately, the RNA folding approaches, such as the Nussinov base pair maximization, involve mathematical operations over affine control loops whose iteration space can be represented by the polyhedral model. Polyhedral compilation techniques have proven to be a powerful tool for optimization of dense array codes. However, classical affine loop nest transformations used with these techniques do not optimize effectively codes of dynamic programming of RNA structure predictions. Results The purpose of this paper is to present a novel approach allowing for generation of a parallel tiled Nussinov RNA loop nest exposing significantly higher performance than that of known related code. This effect is achieved due to improving code locality and calculation parallelization. In order to improve code locality, we apply our previously published technique of automatic loop nest tiling to all the three loops of the Nussinov loop nest. This approach first forms original rectangular 3D tiles and then corrects them to establish their validity by means of applying the transitive closure of a dependence graph. To produce parallel code, we apply the loop skewing technique to a tiled Nussinov loop nest. Conclusions The technique is implemented as a part of the publicly available polyhedral source-to-source TRACO compiler. Generated code was run on modern Intel multi-core processors and coprocessors. We present the speed-up factor of generated Nussinov RNA parallel code and demonstrate that it is considerably faster than related codes in which only the two outer loops of the Nussinov loop nest are tiled

    Tuning iteration space slicing based tiled multi-core code implementing Nussinov’s RNA folding

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    Abstract Background RNA folding is an ongoing compute-intensive task of bioinformatics. Parallelization and improving code locality for this kind of algorithms is one of the most relevant areas in computational biology. Fortunately, RNA secondary structure approaches, such as Nussinov’s recurrence, involve mathematical operations over affine control loops whose iteration space can be represented by the polyhedral model. This allows us to apply powerful polyhedral compilation techniques based on the transitive closure of dependence graphs to generate parallel tiled code implementing Nussinov’s RNA folding. Such techniques are within the iteration space slicing framework – the transitive dependences are applied to the statement instances of interest to produce valid tiles. The main problem at generating parallel tiled code is defining a proper tile size and tile dimension which impact parallelism degree and code locality. Results To choose the best tile size and tile dimension, we first construct parallel parametric tiled code (parameters are variables defining tile size). With this purpose, we first generate two nonparametric tiled codes with different fixed tile sizes but with the same code structure and then derive a general affine model, which describes all integer factors available in expressions of those codes. Using this model and known integer factors present in the mentioned expressions (they define the left-hand side of the model), we find unknown integers in this model for each integer factor available in the same fixed tiled code position and replace in this code expressions, including integer factors, with those including parameters. Then we use this parallel parametric tiled code to implement the well-known tile size selection (TSS) technique, which allows us to discover in a given search space the best tile size and tile dimension maximizing target code performance. Conclusions For a given search space, the presented approach allows us to choose the best tile size and tile dimension in parallel tiled code implementing Nussinov’s RNA folding. Experimental results, received on modern Intel multi-core processors, demonstrate that this code outperforms known closely related implementations when the length of RNA strands is bigger than 2500

    Tiling Nussinov’s RNA folding loop nest with a space-time approach

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    Abstract Background An RNA primary structure, or sequence, is a single strand considered as a chain of nucleotides from the alphabet AUGC (adenine, uracil, guanine, cytosine). The strand can be folded onto itself, i.e., one segment of an RNA sequence might be paired with another segment of the same RNA sequence into a two-dimensional structure composed by a list of complementary base pairs, which are close together with the minimum energy. That list is called RNA’s secondary structure and is predicted by an RNA folding algorithm. RNA secondary structure prediction is a computing-intensive task that lies at the core of search applications in bioinformatics. Results We suggest a space-time tiling approach and apply it to generate parallel cache effective tiled code for RNA folding using Nussinov’s algorithm. Conclusions Parallel tiled code generated with a suggested space-time loop tiling approach outperforms known related codes generated automatically by means of optimizing compilers and codes produced manually. The presented approach enables us to tile all the three loops of Nussinov’s recurrence that is not possible with commonly known tiling techniques. Generated parallel tiled code is scalable regarding to the number of parallel threads – increasing the number of threads reduces code execution time. Defining speed up as the ratio of the time taken to run the original serial program on one thread to the time taken to run the tiled program on P threads, we achieve super-linear speed up (a value of speed up is greater than the number of threads used) for parallel tiled code against the original serial code up to 32 threads and super-linear speed up scalability (increasing speed up with increasing the thread number) up to 8 threads. For one thread used, speed up is about 4.2 achieved on an Intel Xeon machine used for carrying out experiments

    Additional file 2 of Tuning iteration space slicing based tiled multi-core code implementing Nussinov’s RNA folding

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    Construction of parametric code. Construction of parallel parametric 3-D-tiled code implementing Nussinov’s algorithm using two nonparameteric codes. (PDF 22 kb